Thursday, March 29, 2012

Baby Shower

Baby Shower!

I was able to go to Florida for a week during my spring break and my Mom and Sisters threw me the most amazing baby shower anyone could ask for. It was so good to see so many friends from back home and to reconnect and see where everyones lives have taken them through the years since high school. 

My Sisters and Mom had the idea of having a henna artist come to my baby shower and henna my belly. It worked out perfectly because my sister, Melanie, is just 4 weeks behind me so she was able to get her stomach done too. It has been one of the coolest experiences being pregnant and having my sister pregnant too has made it even more special. 

Enjoy these photos from my baby shower!


  1. That's awesome! I love that idea! It is too cool that you and your sis are pregnant at the same time. Happy for yall!!!

    1. Thanks! Yeah It was a lot of fun! Hope you guys are doing great :)
